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Pippa – Blepharoplasty

Pippa – Blepharoplasty

Pippa, 48, chose to combine a brow lift and blepharoplasty.

Pippa was increasingly finding that her upper eyelids felt excessively heavy and she felt they made her look tired. She felt that her eyes contributed to an overall ageing appearance and the skin excess caused trouble with mascara and eyeliner.

Due to the relationship between her upper eyelids and lateral brows, Pippa underwent upper blepharoplasty and lateral browlift surgery to refresh her upper face. This surgery has refreshed her eyes whilst her scars are impossible to see in normal everyday life.

Pippa has been asked many times since her surgery about whether she has been on holiday or lost weight; ultimately this has given Pippa the confidence to go forward without feeling self-conscious about her ageing eyelids.
See Patient Reported Outcome Measures relating to Facial rejuvenation.